
Hair Styles for Women


Hairs especially ringlet is a vital part of our literature. In fact human beauty cannot be imagined without a perfect hairstyle. So hairstyle is supposed to be a fun even in the fast and busy life of cities and we find craziness of women towards their hairstyles and makeup. They have variety of fashions and hairstyles. Some of them have long hairs, some have medium and some have the short. Now we discuss some of their hair styles which are adopted on Pakistan.

Long hairstyles:

Most of our women have a traditional background and they feel hesitation in cutting their hairs even in some cases they do not let them exposed to others. Secondly the long hairs are supposed to be the sign of beauty in Eastern Culture. So the house wives and the women with their traditional backgrounds use to maintain long hairs. However there is variety of styles in longer hairs. Most of them use to comb them for a twisted tail. They also use Pranda of different kinds. Long straight hairs are also getting common in working women. There are some showbiz related women who also go with curly hairs but this is not popular in Pakistan. The women wearing Sarhee use to make a top-knot and a ringlet. They also decorate them with light jewelry.

Medium hair styles:

The youngsters, college girls and working women use medium hair styles as they are easy to maintain. They use straight and top-knot styles. Some of them also make boobs. However they use hairpins, clips and hair bands to uphold their hairstyle.


Short Hair Styles:

This style is common in children and little girls as they are in age of childhood and do not care for their hairs. Most of the Pakistani women dislike this style. However some of the westernized women have adopted this style. They use straight hairs and some of them also use the curly wave like hairstyle.

There are so many cute hairstyles for women and all of them seem to fit regardless of their length but the age factor really matters for its suitability. It is also a fact that the styles which reflect traditions and simplicity are more effective and acceptable in the society.

Hair Cuts

You may try to copy the hairstyle of your friend or your favorite celebrity but you cannot predict will this haircut suit on your face or not. Faces of humans are different due to genetic differences. Hairstylists have classified human faces into five basic categories; they also tell that psychologically, most humans try to neutralize the look of their face through their haircuts; hairstylists also tell that females are more conscious about the type of their face than men. Long hairs are a general recognition of females at universal level. More haircuts can be made with longhairs than short hairs. Due to long hairs, women, as compared to men, try it more to hide the natural shape of their faces through haircuts.

Let me tell you that faces have been classified into long, heart, oval, square and round shapes.

In the chapter of hiding general shape of face, hair-stylists have noticed that normally the women with round faces prefer to show that their faces are longer than round. Mostly such women drop their hairs below their cheeks because it gives a little longer look to your face.

In its contrast, a woman with long face tries to add more width to her face through her haircut. So she prefers to keep her hair above her shoulders.
Similarly, a woman with square face tries to hide the angular look of her jaw. Hairstyles of round-face do not suit this type of face; therefore, a woman with square face drops her hairs on her jaws in different styles with respect to the haircuts. Many haircuts have been invented to turns the angular look of jaw into a sign of female attraction.

In contrast to long, round and square faces, the women with oval faces never try to hide anything through hairstyle; this type of face is affordable to each haircut. It is the most versatile face shape of human beings. Similarly, women with heart-faces behave like an oval-faced woman when the talks come to haircut.


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